After the release of Falling Down (Blue) fans couldn’t wait for the release of Falling Down (Red) upon it’s announcement. Well it’s here and there Prepare to experience an EP filled with vibes and catchy tunes from The Killing Tapes. A band consisting Marcus Crede and Peter Svensson releases their fourth Album FallingDown (Red) another classic indie rock album. Marking a shift from their debut “Black,” the band wants to take listeners on a new vibrant and journey of relaxing and enjoying this music in your sofa. An experience that’s worth it.
“Falling Down (Red)” was birthed out unique trying of sounds by Marcus and Peter weekly on their instruments just to find that authentic and unique sound. If there’s something it just shows you how much dedicated they are and there you should know this album is a masterpiece crafted from the depth of their hearts so we can enjoy every bit of it. Well they added a bass player Martin Berry in the autumn of 2023 just to add more depts to their sound.
It’s a 6 track EP but one track that made me repeat the album again is the last track “Benefits of Acting”. In “Benefits of Acting”, the lyrics draws a beautiful narrative of emotional detachment and talks about what is expected of us by the society. Sometimes we just wants to fit in Soo well in the society that we do all sort of things just to get their approval. The impact these society standards have on us is bigger than meeting their standards, so just be you and not what they want you to be.
The song really goes deep about how people are soo far away gone, like they numb to life and we don’t even see cos people wear masks just to walk through life. You don’t get to see what they really going through just to meet it’s standards. This is just one song from the entire EP and I can see you’re already hooked and wanting for more, well just go ahead and listen to the full album on repeat and feel The Killing Tapes mastery.
Overall, The Killing Tapes’ “Falling Down (Red)” is an album that goes beyond normalcy and ordinary, it’s pushes listeners engage fully through the sounds and emotions within the album. So why don’t you feed your sould to some good from with Falling Down (Red) and experience a musical odyssey like never before. The lyrics, embodiment of work, the deliveries on each track makes this album a 10/10
Chiusi in una stanza simile ad una cella di isolamento sediamo in un angolo con le braccia intorno alle ginocchia oscillando avanti e indietro. Sentiamo il peso del tempo che è trascorso e delle nostre azioni, anche quelle che non abbiamo compiuto. Con sguardo triste osserviamo le nostre mani, strumento di dispiacere e rimorso e ripensiamo a quante volte siamo caduti in questo baratro mentale.
Proviamo ansia per il mondo fuori da quella stanza, ma quello che ci spaventa maggiormente è la gente e la società. Non siamo a nostro agio in quel luogo ostile dove tutto è confuso ed i sentimenti vengono svenduti a buon mercato. Piegando la testa sulle ginocchia chiudiamo gli occhi sperando che tutto questo sia solo un brutto sogno.
La scena ansiogena e cupa descritta in apertura di questo articolo ci è stata ispirata dalle atmosfere lunatiche e fluttuanti di Falling Down (Red), quarto album in studio della band svedese The Killing Tapes. Nei sei brani che compongono l’EP il trio svedese ci conduce in un viaggio sonoro che si configura come introspettiva indagine delle nostre emozioni. Caratterizzato da paesaggi sonori avvolgenti e linee melodiche emotive, l’album rappresenta una schietta osservazione della società moderna effettuata sotto la luce di una coscienza sotto inchiesta.
There Is No Way apre l’album con bassi pulsanti e suoni vetrosi di synth. Un sentimento di colpevolezza e rimorso ci offre una prima chiave di lettura di un opera che approfondisce le emozioni umane. Il sound del pezzo, intrigante e ambiguo mette in luce un passato turbolento e la volontà di andare avanti.
Lost In Logic si presenta come un nuovo capitolo di vita. Suoni distorti e una ritmica spezzettata ci guidano al cuore della canzone in cui ci attendono melodie avvincenti che si sviluppano su un tappeto di synth brulicanti e corrosivi.
Sunscreen ci accoglie con un linea di basso grassa e densa che asseconda una linea vocale appassionata e decisa. Il ritornello magnetico ed emozionante sembra fluttuare tra la brillante punteggiatura dei synth che riempiono l’ambiente con suoni ed echi che suggeriscono repulsione per una socialità imposta che istiga all’isolamento.
Con Untitled Dream passiamo ad una dimensione più raccolta e riflessiva che si dispiega su lunghe note basse e vibranti che fanno da collante per i pensieri che affollano la mente. Il brano si evolve in una dolce ballad dominata da un’atmosfera spaziale che ruota intorno a sé stessa con lenti e ragionati movimenti.
Scanners si apre su toni nevrotici e scattosi che rappresentano un’ulteriore sguardo a quella società dominata da gente folle. Il brano ha un’evoluzione singolare: il ritmo non si concretizza mai in una linea continua e procede a singhiozzi come un’eterna falsa partenza. Le voci si inseguono e si rispondono punzecchiate dalle tastiere che creano una tensione emotiva che non conosce una soluzione definitiva.
Il brano che chiude l’album è Benefits Of Acting. Un sottofondo ronzante accoglie le voce che si dispiega su melodie ariose e positive che emergono forti e decise come il sole dopo una lunga e difficile notte passata in bianco tra dubbi e incertezze. E’ un panorama vincente quello che si concretizza nel corso della traccia, ogni elemento ci fa pensare ad una rinascita che pone le basi per un futuro nuovo da accogliere ed assecondare.
Un album intrigante e denso di emozioni.
Marco Gatti – Artisti Online
The Killing Tapes was formed in 2020 by Marcus Crede (Kreatur and others) and Peter Svensson (Mary Celeste, Hello Heartland). The lyrics and demos were presented to Peter by Marcus in the fall of 2020, and they immediately began to work on the material together. Shortly into the writing process, they both realized that the songs were of such quality and importance that they began the writing and recording of the album Black.
“Falling Down (RED)” by The Killing Tapes marks a distinct shift in the band’s musical journey, presenting a trilogy that diverges from their debut “Black.” The evolution is not only audible but also thematic, with a more electronic sound and intensely personal lyrics that carry an undercurrent of contempt, whether directed towards others or oneself.
The decision to create a trilogy implies a deliberate exploration of new sonic territories and lyrical depths. “Falling Down (RED)” serves as a compelling chapter in this musical narrative, offering listeners a departure from the familiar while inviting them to delve into a realm of electronic nuances.
The personal nature of the lyrics adds a layer of emotional intimacy to the album, providing a window into the inner workings of the artists’ minds. The presence of contempt, whether directed inward or outward, introduces a sense of raw authenticity, making the listening experience both reflective and provocative.
The deliberate choice to incorporate electronic elements suggests a willingness to experiment with the sonic palette. This departure from the established sound of “Black” showcases a band unafraid to evolve, challenging themselves creatively and offering their audience a fresh perspective on their musical identity.
The trilogy format itself is intriguing, as it allows for a cohesive exploration of themes across multiple releases. “Falling Down (RED)” plays a vital role in this larger narrative, presenting a sonic and thematic snapshot that complements and contrasts with the other parts of the trilogy.
In summary, “Falling Down (RED)” by The Killing Tapes is not just an album; it’s a deliberate step into uncharted musical territory. The trilogy as a whole is a testament to the band’s commitment to growth and experimentation, and “Falling Down (RED)” stands as a distinctive chapter that captivates with its electronic soundscape and deeply personal lyrics.
Kamil Robin – The Musical Road
Linköping, Sweden-based alternative rock band The Killing Tapes delivers their fourth album, with the release of Falling Down (Red). The Killing Tapes is a three-piece band consisting of members, Marcus Crede, Peter Svensson, and Martin Berry, who have been captivating audiences since the release of their debut album, Black, in 2022. Their latest release, Falling Down (Red), is the completion of a trilogy that follows Falling Down (Yellow), and Falling Down (Blue). As the band continues to evolve their signature sound Falling Down (Red) deviates from their debut infusing more synth-based soundscapes and moody lyricism giving the album a modern new wave vibe. Fueled by euphoric synths, buzzing bass, and bold percussion, the band takes us though musical expression of angst for society and people that borders on self-deprecation. The Killing Tapes’ new album Falling Down (Red) is an exceptional alternative experience and the perfect addition to any indie playlist.
James Kerr – Senoncular
Having already turned out the highly-praised releases ‘Falling Down (Blue)’ and ‘Falling Down (Yellow)’ this past year, Swedish outfit The Killing Tapes are now making it three-for-three with their latest EP ‘Falling Down (Red)’.
Capturing more of that warm and illustrious electronic aesthetic they have been developing since their earliest beginnings, this new six-track collection makes for an incredibly rich and enigmatic listen. Jam-packed with broad and immersive textures, a shimmering atmosphere, and some mesmerising vocals layered throughout, ‘Falling Down (Red)’ continues their ascent as one of the more innovative names doing the rounds right now.
While they have certainly been extremely busy with new releases these last few years, ‘Falling Down (Red)’ shows that they are still very much on top of their creative game once again. With such a distinctive approach to their sound and direction throughout, we can’t wait to hear where their journey will take them next.
Chris Bound – Mystic Sounds
The latest release from The Killing Tapes, the Falling Down (Red) EP compels with its melodic, emotive blending of rock and synth-laden dark pop. Based in Linköping, Sweden, the project was formed by Marcus Crede and Peter Svensson, with the recent addition of Martin Berry on bass.
The EP’s creative process benefitted from the spontaneity of productive collaboration. “We came to the studio once a week with a dark mood, stood in each corner of the room and played a mantra on our instruments, with the record button down,” Svensson says. “After an hour I didn’t even think about Marcus, I just played with him and when we heard something good, we looked up and smiled.”
Opening track “There Is No Way” is a gripping journey through various emotions, from remorse (“I’m sorry”) to perseverance (“there’s no time to give in”). An initially dark vein of pop consumes, with subtle synth trickles and the apologetic lyrics driving into a spacey synth-laden lushness past the first minute. The second half stirs in its perseverant qualities and riveting vocal lead into the “we are just fools,” hook — reminding of Depeche Mode, Erasure, and that vein of emotive synth-pop.
Another highlight, “Sunscreen” ventures from drum/bass vocal outpouring into the “I wanna go where there’s no one,” admittances. Dreamy synth arpeggios during the central vocal hook prove magnetic and atmospheric, exuding a stylish pop composure in its dynamic showcase from moody guitar-touched mystique to glistening synths.
The gentler, textured ruminations within “Untitled Dream” is a further showcase of the act’s knack for compelling soundscapes, while finale “Benefits of Acting” intertwines buzzing synths and booming guitars alongside vocal intrigue, putting a bow on this definitive success of an EP.
‘Falling Down (RED)’ is a new release from the Swedish band The Killing Tapes, which completes the trilogy by coming to more intimate and revealing songs. The EP consists of 6 original tracks that invite us into the world of thoughts about yourself, people and the world around us in which we all live.
‘Falling Down (RED)’ is a deep and insightful work that, through indie rock and electronic elements, presents a sad and thoughtful record. Minimalism and simplicity meet here with the power of human feelings and experiences.
The rhythmic and impulsive structure of these tracks delights and allows us to break into a completely new space created by The Killing Tapes. ‘Falling Down (RED)’ completes a new phase of this band’s creativity and we look forward to their new releases.